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Coastal Empire Habitat for Humanity set the bar high on their first time Home for the Holidays Auction & Gala. Wow! The night was electric and the guests came to the event ready to give. How did they do it, you ask? I'll tell you.

The work that went into the event before the big night was the key. For a first time event to succeed like this it is all about CONNECTIONS! And Zerik Samples, CEO knew he needed to connect with the community. He did it. And he did it brilliantly. Every chance he could make a connection. he did. He talked about this incredible organization, the work they do and the donors came to give. Connections are KEY, especially on a first time event.

The rest was pure fun! His dedicated team worked hard to make this event shine and they delivered. It was a beautiful holiday event with a succient live auction. And Tamiko, although nervous, delivered a powerful case to support Habitat for Humanity. And the rest of the night was fun fun fun. A game of Rock Paper Sissors ROCKSTAR to get folks to the dance floor, and then we danced to celebrate raising over $100,000!


Coastal Empire Habitat for Humanity

Home for the Holidays Gala


Savannah, Georgia


  • Photography: Shots by Somi Studios

  • Event Planners: Simply Savannah Marketing


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